How to Write Marketing Emails like a Pro

The 1980s have a lot to answer for.  During that particular decade, marketers got into a lot of really really bad habits.  From ‘Hey Buddy’ greetings to pushy pushy sales pitches, the 80s were a dark time for business communication.  Whereas the 1980s were all about old-school post, today we have the advantage of being able to reach out to a large number of people in mere minutes; which is great.  But many are still getting it wrong when it comes to marketing emails; which isn’t.  The following is our guide to writing marketing emails which actually work:

Subject line is everything

We’ll repeat that – Subject. Line. Is Everything.  We all have a whole mess of emails pop up on our screens every day and, a huge number of those end up in the bin because of the subject line.  We’re not going to sugar-coat it; you have one chance to grab the recipient’s attention and, this is it.  Your subject line should be short, to the point and grab attention instantly.  That’s not to say that you should resort to of those awful subject lines like ‘This is what you’ve been waiting for’ or, worse still, ‘Here’s the information you requested’.  Keep it simple, truthful and self-explanatory.

Sorry, who are you?

When putting together marketing emails, an incredible number of people forget to introduce themselves.  We’re not saying you should include your entire resume but a couple of lines explaining who you are and why you’re getting in touch is a simple courtesy.

Benefit and value upfront

So, now that introductions have been made, your next step is to briefly highlight what you believe to be the recipient’s pain point – and the problems that that pain point causes.  This part of your email is incredibly important as, after your introduction, the recipient is already thinking about putting the kettle on.  You need to use this section to as a relatable issue to keep the reader’s attention.

A killer sales pitch

We know, we know – this is the bit you’ve been waiting for so, we’ll put you out of your misery.  You can now add your sales pitch to your email.  As this is an initial email, keep it light and brief by simply explaining the benefits of your product or service.

Follow up request

If there’s one thing people hate more than salesy emails, it’s pushy unsolicited phone calls.  End your email by stating that you would welcome the opportunity to discuss your offer further with the recipient and, ask him or her to suggest a good date / time for you to call.  Simple but effective, this allows the recipient to feel in control and, therefore, more receptive to your follow up.

A well thought out, well written email is one of the most important weapons in your marketing arsenal – use it wisely and, use it well.

This article was contributed by Ben. You can visit his website here and browse their  3×3 pop up stand product range. Ultimate Banners are the premier British printer and sign maker based in Birmingham UK.

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